Looking for a smoother appearance?

Looking for a smoother appearance?

Viola smoothing threads use the same technology to improve the look of your face, but with more gradual changes in mind. The threads are placed under areas of the skin where smoothing and lift is desired. Over the next 4 to 6 months, the skin will smooth out gradually as your body reacts to the treatment and naturally builds more collagen under the skin. These smoothing threads are most useful in improving the look of texture, fine lines, and acne scarring.


⏰ Downtime: redness and mild swelling.

☎️ Phone: 951-272-4455

📬 Email: info@estrellaaesthetics.com

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😍Instagram: @estrella_aesthetics @judicastro_rn

💎#1 Aesthetic Center for Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation & Body Contouring in The Inland Empire!

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